AEP with companies
Relevant knowledge, reflection and strategic thinking for companies
Knowledge, reflection, surveys, thoughts and positions on different aspects of economic and business activity…
In order to contribute to a reduction in information asymmetry, AEP gathers, processes and analyses data, producing and providing relevant legal and economic information, at regular or variable intervals, regarding current subjects of interest to companies, namely:
Business surveys
Surveys of businesses, aimed at understanding their real needs and presenting proposals that might influence public policy to benefit the competitiveness of business areas.
“Envolvente Empresarial - Síntese da Conjuntura”
A monthly newsletter with the main data and indicators concerning economic activity undertaken jointly by the AEP, AIP and CIP.
“Envolvente Empresarial - Análise da Conjuntura”
Quarterly publication with detailed information on the evolution of economic activity and other indicators, including a selection of relevant details for the national and international framework, developed jointly by the AEP, AIP and CIP.
"Flash Económico"
Produced every time relevant official statistics are published, so as to promote “just in time” economic information, along with brief analysis.
Drawn up and published regularly, these process and analyse, in a detailed manner, a vast array of socio-economic indicators, covering different areas.
Legal summary
A weekly emailed summary of national and European law, for members only.
Documentation Centre
Provision of selected information and a search service geared towards specific areas, through the AEP’s Documentation Centre.
Tel: +351 229 981 500