AEP with companies
AEP supports the internationalization of Portuguese companies
Internationalization is the main route for small and medium sized companies to grow, diversify markets and create new opportunities, and that is why AEP has been channeling its efforts in this direction, in accordance with the role it plays among the Portuguese business fabric.
Since 1990, when it first began to systematically organise internationalization events, AEP has already held over 500 events in foreign markets, either individually or in partnership with other entities.
AEP intervention rests on three basic concepts:
- Credibility among official Portuguese entities with which AEP has always maintained a very close relationship (Ministry of Economy, AICEP, IAPMEI, Embassies, etc.).
- Recognition among official entities and foreign associations with which AEP has worked previously, and which have shown themselves to be satisfied with this partnership.
- Cultivating loyalty of the Portuguese companies, it serves, as well as that of the local companies in the foreign markets approached.
Type of Activities:
- External promotion activities: trade missions (sectorial or multisector); collective participation in international fairs; market weeks; permanent showrooms with tailored support for participating companies.
- Hosting of missions and strategic international partnerships.
- Sector and market surveys.
- Information and promotion services.
- Internationalization consultancy.
BOW – Portugal Business On the Way
European project for the support of small and medium sized companies, with 50% co-financed internationalization events, such as:
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- Organizing promotion events in external markets – Fairs, Trade Missions and Reverse Trade Missions
- Business mentoring
- Information on international markets
- Workshops, seminars and business forums on specific subjects
- BOW magazine, a quarterly publication on internationalization
- Specialised consultancy
- BOW Platform – - where you can find information on best practices, external markets, the Trade Monitor, surveys on internationalization, business matching opportunities and a section that provides information on international tenders, as well as insights into external markets, amongst others.
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Next Challenge Asia
Um projeto com o qual a AEP se propõe a reforçar a internacionalização das PME das fileiras Agroalimentar, Casa, Infraestruturas (Água e Energia) e Materiais de Construção, nos mercados do Japão, Coreia do Sul e China, identificando oportunidades e constrangimentos de acesso e disseminação de ferramentas que permitam a sua capacitação, com o intuito de aumentar as exportações e promover a imagem de Portugal.
Ficha de Projeto
Ficha de Projeto
Internationalization Support Desk
AEP Internationalization Support Desk provides services, working space and cutting edge technology to support your company, step-by-step, in the internationalization process, such as:
- Diagnostics service
- Consultancy services
- Information services
- Specialised support services
Cross-border Projects
Cross-border cooperation aimed at promoting exports and increasing the competitiveness of the Euro-region companies.
This project's main guideline is to improve the competitiveness of SMEs in the Euroregion Galicia – Northern Portugal.
Its general objective is to promote internationalization and increase the external presence of the productive sector of the Euroregion Galicia – Northern Portugal, through the promotion of logistical activity and the enhancement of its organizational and technological capacities.
CoLogistics seeks to strengthen the logistics function as a whole, in order to:
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This project's main guideline is to improve the competitiveness of SMEs in the Euroregion Galicia – Northern Portugal.
Its general objective is to promote internationalization and increase the external presence of the productive sector of the Euroregion Galicia – Northern Portugal, through the promotion of logistical activity and the enhancement of its organizational and technological capacities.
CoLogistics seeks to strengthen the logistics function as a whole, in order to:
- Develop the logistics sector as a sector capable of boosting economic activity and employment
- Helping the productive sector to successfully address the internationalization of its supply chains and its access to foreign markets, transforming market demands into opportunities and consequent improvement of its exports.
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EEN – Enterprise Europe Network
The Enterprise Europe Network is the world’s largest support network for small and medium sized companies and start-ups with growth potential. Created by the European Commission, the Network is currently comprised of 605 entities in over 65 countries, composed of around three thousand local specialists.
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