BOW Magazine

BOW Magazine, nr. 26 | Circular Economy, Business Sustainability and Internationalisation
“Circular Economy, Business Sustainability and Internationalisation” is the subject of issue 26 of BOW magazine, which as always is packed with important articles, such as those by Fernanda Dias da Silva, general-director of Economic Activities; Nuno Lacasta and Ana Cristina Carla, respectively chairman and board member of the Portuguese Environmental Agency; Teresa Ponce Leão, chairwoman of the National Energy and Geology Lab (LNEG); Luísa Magalhães, executive director of the Smart Waste Portugal Association, and João Wengorovios Meneses, general secretary of BCSD Portugal.
Since the AEP is also very much part of this process, we also recommend the analysis pieces by Paula Silvestre, Competitiveness and Training director at AEP, and that of our administrator Paulo Vaz.
The interview in this issue is with the chairman of the Agency for Competitiveness and Innovation (IAPMEI), one of the most important partners for business development and innovation.
The target-markets analysed in this issue are China, South Korea and Japan, as always accompanied by figures provided by Accenture, and analysed by us. These are precisely the same target-markets of the Next Challenge Asia project, which is covered in this issue of BOW magazine, more precisely in the AEP Launches and Activities section.
The Internationalisation Radar presents the activities of the Sociedade Ponto Verde, Lipor and EGF companies, and the Global Action Plan 2023-2024 closes the issue.
Enjoy your reading!
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Since the AEP is also very much part of this process, we also recommend the analysis pieces by Paula Silvestre, Competitiveness and Training director at AEP, and that of our administrator Paulo Vaz.
The interview in this issue is with the chairman of the Agency for Competitiveness and Innovation (IAPMEI), one of the most important partners for business development and innovation.
The target-markets analysed in this issue are China, South Korea and Japan, as always accompanied by figures provided by Accenture, and analysed by us. These are precisely the same target-markets of the Next Challenge Asia project, which is covered in this issue of BOW magazine, more precisely in the AEP Launches and Activities section.
The Internationalisation Radar presents the activities of the Sociedade Ponto Verde, Lipor and EGF companies, and the Global Action Plan 2023-2024 closes the issue.
Enjoy your reading!